Mr. Beltran has many publications, three of which are as follows:
Consumer Attorneys of California, Forum Magazine, "People with Disabilities, Who Are Aged 65 and Over, Can Establish a Self-settled Pooled Special Needs Trust That Protects Their Medicaid Benefits," September/October 2009.
Special Needs Trusts: Planning Drafting, and Administration (Cal CEB 2008) (2 volumes) Two-Volume legal treatise on Special Needs Trusts - (author of Chapter 3 - Public Benefits for Persons with Disabilities, as well as consultation on other sections) Each year, Mr. Beltran prepares the annual update for Chapter 3.
First-Party Special Needs Trusts and Probate Code Sections 3600 et seq.—What AB 1851 (Stats. 2004, Ch. 67) Accomplished, Thomas E. Beltran and Peter S. Stern, California Trusts and Estates Quarterly, Fall 2006 - Volume 12, Issue 3.
His article, People with Disabilities, Age 65 and Over, Can Establish a SelfSettled Pooled Special Needs Trust That Protects Their Medicaid Benefits, was published in the Consumer Attorneys of California FORUM magazine, September/October 2009. Mr. Beltran's article on the ABLE Act was featured in the September 2015 issue of the Los Angeles Lawyer Magazine, entitled Achieving Ability.