Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE)
October 25, 2015 - 1 minute readA term used in the context of SSDI, meaning the 36 consecutive months that start at the conclusion of the Trial Work Period. During the Extended Period of Eligibility, in any month in which the beneficiary’s gross earnings reach or exceed $860 (in 2006), he or she is said to be engaging in Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA). When an individual’s earning first reach SGA, a three month grace period begins, allowing the beneficiary continued monthly cash payments without respect to the amount of wages. Following the three month grace period, an individual will not receive monthly cash payments in months when wages are at or above SGA. If wages fall below the SGA level, monthly cash payments will resume. Beneficiaries who continue to earn SGA income beyond the EPE period, will lose their SSDI payments. A finding of SGA is a rebuttable presumption